
Face yourFiend

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The ScreenFiendsUniverse

Welcome to Doors to Dystopia, a thrilling journey where a single collection is revealed across five distinct phases of mint activation. Each phase uncovers new fragments of the dystopian world, with whitelist spots that carry over and replenish for each phase. Secure your spot and be part of the unfolding story.

The Missing Person Cases of Marcus Cole

Short immersive video stories that explore the backstory of different fiends. Detective Marcus Cole unearths hidden truths about these characters, setting the stage for the ScreenFiends world.

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Series 2

Explore more mysteries in Series 2 as more fiends are uncovered.

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Series 3

Explore more mysteries in Series 3 as more fiends are uncovered.

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Series 4

Explore more mysteries in Series 4 as more fiends are uncovered.

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Series 5

Explore more mysteries in Series 5 as more fiends are uncovered.

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After series 1 mint

Own. Frenzy. Feed.

The journey begins with The Missing Person Cases of Detective Marcus Cole. Once you own a Fiend from this first series, you’re part of a dynamic cycle that breathes life into your character. As chapters unfold, you’ll have the chance to activate your Fiend, igniting a frenzy within the community and opening opportunities for your character to be featured in the investigation.

Through your engagement, your Fiend could play a central role in Detective Cole’s case files, uncovering hidden stories and feeding the lore of the ScreenFiends universe. Own your Fiend, drive the frenzy, and let it feed on the mysteries of this digital dystopia.

Every Series is a chance for you to own a piece of the story

Horde Fiends

4900 Uniquely Generated Pieces


The Horde Fiends make up the majority of the digital dystopia’s population. Each Horde Fiend is a unique blend of glitchy aesthetics and warped digital features, shaped by the dystopia's relentless grip on reality.

NFT Mint

1 of 1 Elder Fiends

The Elder Fiends are ancient entities with pivotal roles in the digital dystopia. These powerful figures control the underlying forces of the digital labyrinth, each embodying a unique aspect of the distorted, corrupted technologies they once sought to master. Their influence is woven into the very fabric of this chaotic realm, steering the fiendish world towards a singular, dark purpose.

NFT Mint

1 of 1 Humans

Still grounded in the real world, these individuals remain unaware of the full extent of the digital horrors lurking within the NFT metaverse. However, as a series of unexplained disappearances intensifies, whispers of a mysterious metaverse connection grow. As they search for answers, they edge closer to a reality far darker than they could ever imagine.

NFT Mint

1 of 1 Harvested Souls

Once human, these fiends have been entirely consumed by the digital technologies that once empowered them. Absorbed into the digital dystopia, they’ve become grotesque echoes of their former selves, acting as relentless agents within the twisted world. Each harvested soul represents a haunting aspect of technological obsession, driven now only by the corrupted code that controls them.


Fiendishly Asked Questions